Victor Gadino


Daphne and Apollo, 2022
36 × 24 in | 91.4 × 61 cm


In Victor Gadino’s Daphne and Apollo, the virtuous Greek goddess is running away from her relentless pursuer. “What interests me about the mythological story of Daphne and Apollo,” says Gadino, “is the transition that Daphne goes through when, in order to escape Apollo’s advances, she is turned into a laurel tree.” Figures in transition is a reoccurring theme in Gadino’s work. “The visual and phycological aspects are fascinating to me,” he says. “I wanted to capture a split second in time without the figures looking frozen or stiff. I used the overall movement of the composition to help with that, as well as the flying laurel leaves and swirling fabric of Daphne’s tunic.”

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